Amidu Wanted To Beat Mills � Woyome

Embattled National Democratic Congress (NDC) financier, Alfred Agbesi Woyome, has alleged that former Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Martin Alamisi Amidu, once attempted beating former President John Evans Fiifi Atta Mills.

According to Mr Woyome, the incident happened when Martin Amidu was summoned by President Mills over a comment the former made about the late president’s health.

Amidu is pursuing the NDC businessman in court for the GH¢51.2 million fraudulently paid to him as judgement debt.

Mr. Woyome, who made the allegation at a press conference in Accra on Friday, claimed, “I am challenging Martin Amidu to come out and tell us what happened between him and the late former President Atta Mills.”

“Martin was called by President Atta Mills during that time because of an issue concerning his health and in that meeting, Amidu attempted to beat the late president.”

“So he was supposed to be sacked. Immediately Amidu went out and made accusations that his colleague ministers and every other person are corrupt among others. So the president asked him, ‘Martin I am giving you seven days; give me proof of those corruptions or I sack you,” Woyome asserted.

He said after Martin was given a seven-day ultimatum to prove his claim, he then went and latched onto his (Alfred Agbesi Woyome’s) issue which he (Woyome) alleged Amidu himself was involved in.

He said the seven days elapsed but Mr Amidu was not able to prove any single corruption case against any NDC government minister so the late president sacked him.

“I challenge Martin to bring the list of ministers in the government of Atta Mills that were corrupt.”

“This is the truth about what happened that Martin was relinquished of his duty through sacking,” Woyome alleged.

Amidu Wanted Veep

Still rambling on Amidu, Woyome said prior to Amidu’s appointment as the Attorney General, he (Amidu) had an ambition of becoming the vice president to the late President Atta Mills.

He explained that when he (Martin) failed in his ambition to become vice president, he went haywire, causing problems in the NDC government.

“Martin wanted to be the vice president so when the current president, Mahama, was chosen as the running mate, Amidu went haywire.”

“When the election was won, Martin was giving problems so they gave him an office in the Castle to work. When Martin was in that office he was still giving troubles because he was not given the vice president position.”

“So they gave him a position in the interior ministry. Martin was still complaining that he did not get this and that and party foot soldiers were coming to him and that it was his right to be the Attorney General of Ghana.”

“So Betty Mould Iddrisu was asked to move from the Attorney General’s Department to the Ministry of Education and Martin was given that position. And since then he felt that anybody at the Department under the NDC regime must listen to him. If you don’t do that you are in trouble with him.”

Amidu’s Problem

Mr. Woyome said Amidu has a problem, explaining that he was being used by unseen forces as a weapon against innocent people (like him Woyome) and people who are doing very well, including President John Mahama.

“In fact, those using Martin are using him against himself. That is why sometimes I feel restrained to sue him for defamation because I understand the problem of Martin.”

“He is very inconsistent. People who know about it don’t want to send Martin to jail because he has an issue. I didn’t want to talk about him but enough with Martin. Ghanaians should not take Martin serious because I don’t take him serious,” he fumed.

Woyome claimed that Martin Amidu’s actions were nothing more than sour grapes.

He said Mr Amidu’s crusade is not in defence of the Constitution as he would want Ghanaians to believe, but in the furtherance of his own anger against the NDC and the government.

The Supreme Court on Wednesday upheld an application filed by Mr Amidu to orally examine Woyome over the GH¢51.2 million paid to him by the NDC government.