Six Teachers Drag Headmistress To Court For Transferring Them

Six teachers of Methodist Girls High School in Mamfe in the Eastern Region who have been transferred to various schools within and outside the region for alleged misconduct against their boss, Ms. Sylvia Isabella Laryea have gone to court to seek for redress.

The teachers were transferred by the Eastern Regional Director of Education, Ms. Gertrude Mensah, following complaints filed against them by Ms. Isabella Laryea.

The Headmistress of the Methodist Girls High School saw the teachers as a thorn in her flesh following their demand for her to account for GHC30,000.00 being outstanding balance of the ‘Teacher’s Classes Levy’.

But Ms. Isabella Laryea saw their conduct as uncalled for and therefore demanded for their immediate transfer which was granted to her.

Letters dated October 14, 2016 and signed by Ms. Gertrude Mensah confirmed the transfer of the six teachers to various schools within and outside the region.

But the teachers consider the transfer as a violation of their fundamental human rights and therefore want the court to declare the conduct of Ms. Isabella Laryea amounts to abuse of power and office.

They are also seeking a declaration that the entire Disciplinary proceedings against them are arbitrary and violates the dictates of due process contrary to Article 23 of the 1992 constitution.

In addition to that, they are praying to the court for a declaration that the conduct of Ms. Isabella Laryea violates reasonableness and fairness under Article 296 of the 1992 constitution.

Furthermore, they are also seeking for an order of interim injunction to restrain the Headmistress of the Methodist Girls High School and the Eastern Regional Disciplinary Committee from further enquiries into the issue pending the full determination of the matter by the Court.

They also want the Court to direct Ms. Isabella Laryea to account for the GHC30,000.00 being outstanding balance of Teacher’s Classes Levy and as well award them GHC500,000.00 as general damages for violation of their rights.

A statement dated November 6, 2016 signed and issued in Accra by Counsel for the transferred teachers, Francis Xavier-Sosu said they are convinced that “Ms. Isabella Laryea is using the current Eastern Regional Director of Education, Ms. Gertrude Mensah to carry out her malice” and want the court to intervene and bring the matter to a close.