Lady Wears Small Shorts To Test Men's Reaction To Her 'Big Bum' - With Disturbing Results (WATCH)

A woman set out to test people's reactions to her 'big booty' - with somewhat disturbing results.

The stunt, which was filmed by YouTube pranksters DengisV and JasonMoments on their Immature Life channel, sees Kaysheen Whiteley flaunting her derrière.

Wearing a pair of skimpy shorts, she walks through a London park on a summer's day - leaving many passersby speechless. The American pranksters filmed the video in Hyde Park last week, and the camera caught several sunseekers gawping at the 24-year-old, who is dressed in a tight white vest and eye-wateringly short grey sports shorts.

One jealous woman gives her male companion a slap around the face as he appears unable to take his eyes off the scantily-clad passerby, blasting: 'What the f***?' 

One man alerts his friend to the sight with a frantic pat on the back -and in one particularly harrowing scene, a man sitting on a bench appears to pleasure himself while taking a picture on his phone.

Another gawper is seen recording a detailed video, first following Kaysheen around and then watching her from afar - and even women can't seem to resist taking a snap. In another hilarious moment, one man almost falls off his scooter after spotting Kaysheen. 

Evidently unfazed by all the attention, the star of the video shared a shorter versoin of the clip on her Instagram page, writing jokingly: 'Mo booty mo problems.'

The video has swept the web, with 34,000 YouTube views and 630,000 Facebook views. One user commented: 'haha, her ass literally broke people up. Well done!'  While another blasted: 'Wtf with that girl who slapped her boyfriend? Talk about insecure and immature. Maybe she should take better care of herself and stop being such a s****.'

However, some viewers doubted the video's authenticity, suggesting that some park-goers were in on the joke and deliberately exaggerated their recreations. Some believed the young couple's conversation had been staged, and that they were most likely rigged up with microphones.

Others were simply smitten over Kaysheen, with many asking for her name and Instagram.

Video  below:-