Let�s tune children�s mindsets to right societal values

Mrs Diana Koranteng-Anaman, Executive Director of Attitudinal Change Initiatives (ACI), a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), has stressed the need for the older generation to inculcate in the young ones the right values of society. By so doing, she said, children would develop greater love for the nation, and put it first in all their endeavours. Mrs. Koranteng-Anaman made the call at the Tema Parents� Association School (TEPAS) on Friday where ACI showed a Documentary Drama on the National Anthem to the pupils. Under a pilot programme, the NGO with funding from the Ghana Education Service (GES, is touring some selected basic schools in the country with the documentary to teach the National Anthem to children. The rationale is that at the end of the day, the children would be imbued with nationalist feelings and principles that would not only let them love Ghana the more, but to also enable them place the nation over and above their parochial interests. Mrs. Koranteng-Anaman said the anthem was like a prayer which contained the right words to invoke a sense of patriotisms. The Executive Director of ACI noted that it was a bit challenging to change altitudes of adults because certain societal norms had been entrenched in their minds, thus making them unreceptive to such issues. In the case of children, however, she said, society would be doing a great harm to them if it did not instil in them the right values and principles to grow up with. Mrs. Koranteng-Anaman said two schools, one an elite urban and the other rural would be selected in each community by ACI for the pilot scheme. She intimated that in the Metropolis, the NGO had already visited the Manhean Cluster of Schools where, she said, the programme was highly successful. The NGO, she said, would get back to the sampled schools to monitor and evaluate the programme, after which a report would be forwarded to the GES.