No Clinic, No Campaign! �Chief Declares In Community

The Chief of Buabinso, (Abuakwahene/Denkyira Nifahene) in the Ashanti Region, Daasebre Oduro Akenten II, has expressed concern over the poor roads and lack of clinic for over 2000 people in his community and has therefore declared No Clinic, No Campaign!

In an exclusive interview with this reporter, Daasebre noted that the poor state of the Buabinso roads and non-availability of clinic has led to loss of lives, especially pregnant women saying, “We don’t have any clinic in our community for over 2000 people, so when one is sick seriously we have to rush to the Municipal capital, Dunkwa Offin for delivery”.

Also in a separate but related interview with the Abakomahene of Abuakwa, Nana Kojo Agyeman Sebe III, he affirmed that the chip compound being built by government has become a white elephant in the bush, with the contractor working on the clinic nowhere to be found and the bush had taken over the clinic.

“The Nurses that government brought to our community are working in a rented house at the expense of the poor community, with no equipment. The community pays for their shelter and the rented place of work”, Nana Sebe added.

“I support the stand of our chief, Daasebre Oduro Akenten II,  and is something that we are all determine to do, we will restrain politicians from getting access to our community to campaign until they are done with our clinic and road” Nana Sebe bemoaned.    

He maintained that successive governments have over the years neglected the community. Nana said almost all projects in the community were done through the effort of community members. He indicated that residents have vowed not to vote in next year's general elections if government refuses to construct the road and bring development to the people of Buabinso.

Reacting to the Municipal Chief Executive’s (MCE), Hon Emelia Ankomah, claims of completing the clinic, Nana Kojo Agyeman Sebe III, rebutted that the clinic has not been completed  but rather become a white elephant in the bush.

“It took the intervention of the community to roof the clinic in the bush, it has become a white elephant because is half completed and cannot be used for service now”, he said.