Trader Granted Bail After Stealing Property

Mary Kumabu, a trader at Accra New Town, has been granted bail by an Accra Circuit Court, after being accused of having in her possession stolen properties, contrary to section 148 of the Criminal Offences Act 1960 (29). 

Prosecuting, Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Kweku Bempah told the court that the accused, on March 17, 2016, at Gbetsile, near Michael Camp, allegedly had in her possession 300 cartons of Princesse Sardine, estimated at about GH¢31,500 cedis and also GH¢21,750 worth of Tiger Head dry cell batteries belonging to one Santhosh Kumar.

The accused, who pleaded not guilty to the charges leveled against her, was arrested through a tracking device that was installed on the complainant’s car. The court, presided over by his Honour Aboagye Tandoh, however, adjourned the case to April 5, 2016.

Lead Counsel for the accused, George Asumaning, begged the court to grant his client bail, arguing that her condition was unstable, topping it with the fact that the offence was one for which bail could be granted.

The judge, accordingly, granted the accused person bail. The court, in addition, charged her with an amount of GH¢100,000 to be paid into the court’s coffers, with two sureties, where one was to be justified.

DSP Kweku Bempah, in presenting the facts, told the court that the complainant is an employee of White Lane Company Limited and in-charge of the company’s Swaraj Mazda Truck with registration number GT 6687-11, and the accused is a trader living at Gbetsile near Michel Camp.

DSP Bempah narrated that on March 17, 2016, at about 4:30 a.m., the complainant was dispatched with his truck loaded with 300 cartons of Princesse Sardine and 150 cartons of Tiger Head dry cell batteries from Odawna to be supplied to a customer at Assin Praso.

He stated that about two kilometres before the Weija toll booth, a taxi overtook the complainant and signaled him that his back door was open.  The complainant quickly parked off the road and got down, only to realise that the back door was intact.

When the complainant was returning to take his seat, four armed men from the taxi suddenly attacked him and started beating him with some implements.  Another 207 Mercedes Benz mini bus also parked behind the complainant’s truck, and two men came to join the four, and they forced the complainant into 207 Mercedes Benz mini bus, amidst severe beating.

DSP Kweku Bempah explained that the armed men drove the complainant towards Gomoa in the Central Region, and finally diverted into a bushy area and stripped him naked, used his singlet to tie his hands, and threw him into the bush, after they had robbed him of his Samsung mobile phone and a cash sum of GH¢200.

According to him, when the robbers left, the complainant managed to untie himself and went to a nearby town, where he was given some clothing to wear. The complainant then gave the telephone number of his master, one Santhosh Kumar, who he called to inform of the incident.

He concluded that the complainant’s truck had a tracker been installed in it, so a tracking device was used, and finally, the items were found with the accused person in her house with some in her Rexton private car with registration number GT 6110-14.  The complainant’s truck was also found abandoned in a bush near Gbetsile.