Lack Of Science Teaching Aids Affecting Output

Mr Sampson Gakpo, Circuit Supervisor (CS), at the Ghana Education Service, Adaklu Waya, has observed that the general non-availability of equipment for teaching science in the area was affecting the output of teachers.

He said teachers were being forced to teach in the abstract, when they should be using simple tools and chemicals to demonstrate for easier assimilation.

Mr Gakpo was speaking to the GNA on the sidelines of the 2015 finals of the “E-Syllabus for Africa” sponsored by the Adaklu District Science and Mathematics Quiz held at Adaklu-Waya.

E-Syllabus for Africa” is an international NGO with bias for issue of education.

He said teachers who found themselves in such a situation had to be very innovative.

Mr Samuel Bruku, Adaklu District Science and Mathematics Coordinator, attributed the much better performance in comparison to the previous years to raised teacher output due to qualitative supervision.

He said the improved performance raised hope that the district’s performance at the Basic Education Certificate Examinations (BECE) will further improve this year.

Percentage pass in the District was 28.9 in 2014 rising to 54.05 in 2015.

Master Rescue Amegboe, who represented the Waya Circuit was first and won a prize of a scholarship through Senior Secondary School and Tertiary School.

Anastasia Kpedinu of the Kalakpa Circuit, placed second, and also won a scholarship through secondary school to the tertiary level.

All the five finalists got certificates of participation and won assorted wares including branded footballs for their schools.

Questions were in the areas of ICT, Mathematics and Integrated Science.

Romeo Kwasi Asimate, Science Teacher of Master Amegboe, the winner, said he (Amegboe) was a good student, but not set apart in performance from mates, as standards were generally good.

Quame Zowonu, Director in charge of E-syllabus, West Africa, said the target of the organization will remain in only deprived areas of the country.

Adaklu and Agotime Ziope Districts in the Volta Region, along with three others picked from other regions were beneficiaries of the project