US Pushes For Middle East Talks

US envoy George Mitchell is holding a further meeting with Israel's prime minister in a fresh attempt to get a deal on Jewish settlements. Mr Mitchell has already met Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu twice on his current, extended trip. He is hoping to arrange talks between Mr Netanyahu and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas at the UN this month. On Thursday, Mr Netanyahu urged world leaders to reject a UN report on the war in Gaza earlier this year. The report concluded that Israel deliberately used "disproportionate force" in its three-week operation in Gaza in December and January. It said both the Israeli army and Palestinian militants committed war crimes, and possibly crimes against humanity. Mr Mitchell has prolonged his trip to the Middle East for several days as he works for a deal on freezing Israeli settlement activity in the occupied West Bank. The US is seeking a moratorium on settlement building that would be acceptable to the Palestinian side. Mr Abbas and the US administration have been demanding a complete freeze on Israeli construction activity. Mr Netanyahu has offered a temporary freeze for several months, but not in East Jerusalem or in cases where homes have already been approved. On Thursday he gave no indication there would be a freeze in the West Bank. "There is a slowdown in settlement construction, but not a freeze," he said. "There are 2,400 units being built, and their construction will continue."