Police Must Be People oriented � Dzikunu

World-renowned Nigerian evangelists, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, has cautioned Ghanaians not to risk changing the political leadership of the country because “The Leadership of a country reflects the Character of the country” Ghana, keep what you have because I can see a flourishing economy!

Speaking at the mammoth crusade at the Black Stars Square in Accra Friday night, Pastor Chris said “I thank the President, traditional rulers and all other political party leaders. I thank the president for the security given to us.”

 Thousands of Christians form across the globe showed up at the Black Star Square for Pastor Chris Oyakhilome’s “Night of Bliss” crusade arrived at the Black Star Square on early Friday morning in a bid to grab the closet seat to the pulpit and get the best view.

Patrons of the crusade also filled the Accra Sports stadium because the Black Star Square was full to capacity.

Certain roads leading to the venue of the event were closed to traffic to hours ahead of time to ensure that he security and safety of persons attending the massive gathering.

Pastor Chris based his sermon on with scripture reference to Psalm 85:9-12, which states “Surely His salvation is near to those who fear Him That glory may dwell in our land. Mercy and truth have met together: Righteousness and peace have kissed. Truth shall spring out of the earth, and righteousness shall look down from heaven. Yes, the Lord will yield its increase. The leadership of a county reflects the character of the country.”

Drawing inspiration from that scripture, Pastor Chris declared “Ghana, keep what you have don’t Change!!