AMA Endorses Evicting Sodom and Gomorrah Residents

Members of the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA) on Friday unanimously decided to eject residents of Sodom and Gomorrah with immediate effect. It reiterated the call by Nii Armah Ashitey, Greater Accra Regional Minister, to evict the residents without any compensation. However, the members agreed that AMA would arrange free buses for those prepared to return to their hometown. Dr. Alfred O. Vanderpuje, Accra Metropolitan Chief Executive, addressing the assembly, said �if care is not taken there will be an epidemic outbreak at Sodom and Gomorrah because of the deteriorating sanitary conditions in the area.� He noted that other slums emerging in the metropolis were Abuja, Babylon and the Neoplan Station near Kwame Nkrumah Circle within the business district. �Available records indicated that Sodom and Gomorrah is not suitable for human habitation and the rate at which illegal wooden structures are metamorphosing into permanent concrete structures is alarming.� �Government cannot continue to spend 5,000 euros a day on the Korle Lagoon Restoration Project because of a squatter community illegally impeding a project that will benefit all Ghanaians,� Dr. Vanderpuje stressed. Hajia Damata Sulemana, a Midwife and Assembly Member for Kwaotsuru New Town Electoral Area, stressed the need for the ejection to prevent any possible epidemic that could affect the country�s image internationally. Mr. Chaie Theophilus Tetteh, Member of Parliament for Ablekuma Central told GNA that any decision taken by government on the ejection would be in line with the social democratic principles of the National Democratic Congress (NDC). He pointed out that there could not be development without discipline adding �their continued stay in the area is a bane on development�.