Collaborate To Fight Arms Proliferation � Woyongo

Interior Minister Mark, Owen Woyongo, has charged the country’s security agencies to be extra vigilant and collaborate effectively to halt the proliferation of arms in the country, particularly as the country heads for a general election this year.

Mr Woyongo, who expressed worry at the rate of arms proliferation in the country and the incessant cases of armed robbery called for a stronger collaboration between the various security agencies and civilians, to curtail such occurrences before election 2016.

In an interview with Citi News in Bolgatanga, Mr. Woyongo said although the security agencies are doing their best to save lives and property, they would have to intensify collaboration among themselves and also with the general public to drastically deal with the menace.

“Arms proliferation in our country has become a reality; it’s no longer a myth. It is true that arms are coming into our country and we should all be concerned about it. What happened in the Ashanti region is a wakeup call that our security agencies would have to be extra vigilant and work hard; and am happy with the discoveries”.

In Tamale, some people were arrested with AK47s and there was a recent discovery of arms hidden in a truck in the Volta Region. This is an indication that the security agencies have stepped up their game and I am hoping that as we get into the election year, many more people will be tempted to bring in arms and ammunition and would all have to be vigilant” Mr. Woyongo stated.

Mr. Woyongo urged the public to volunteer information about suspicious movement of illegal arms and ammunition to the security for timely intervention.

“I appeal to Ghanaians to help the security agencies to protect us, we cherish our peace and would want to continue to live in peace because without peace, there will be no development and no investor would like to invest in our country and we all have a stake in the peace process.”

He charged the media to sensitize the public on the need for them to play their roles in ensuring that Ghana remains peaceful for all during, before and after the polls.