Raymond Archer�s Rubbish On Radio Gold

Raymond Archer, the Enquirer newspaper editor-in-chief won a lot of admirers within the National Democratic Congress party during the 2008 general elections when he used his election forensics to expose the New Patriotic Party�s evil machinations against the will of the people. He won for himself a lot of fame. But on Saturday, 26th August, 2009 on Radio Gold�s Alhaji and Alhaji, he decided to get dirty against his Excellency Flt Lt. J. John Rawlings, the former president of this nation by his senseless attacks on Radio Gold against the people�s hero. This man who is not known beyond journalism said so much that he kept repeating himself, how Rawlings will no more be president of this nation, how he would be satisfied with a government he will be able to control and call the shots. Who told Raymond Archer Rawlings wants to rule again? And for the information of pea brains like Raymond, if they think Rawlings can no longer rule this nation, they should move parliament to amend the constitution and let�s see if there is any one single person who can beat Rawlings in an election. Raymond Archer should keep it in his head that Rawlings has not said it on any platform that he wants to rule again. Rather he has said it on numerous occasions that he has no desire to rule anymore. So this senseless talk from Archer has surprised people because his argument was so childish no one would have expected this from him and it is sad commentary on his reputation. Raymond Archer showed his infantile way of thinking when he warned the cadres that President Rawlings would not provide them with jobs. Who said Mr. Rawlings cannot provide jobs for the people? If he Raymond Archer can provide jobs for a few in his Enquirer newspaper, what makes him think Rawlings can�t do better? If he Archer, an ordinary citizen who is not known outside journalism can employ or use his influence to give jobs to people, what makes him rant about Rawlings, an ex-president that he would not be able to provide jobs. Has Rawlings not got domestic staff in his home? Are they not there because of his Excellency even if they were employed by the government? Could they have had access to the jobs if it was not Rawlings name at stake? If Raymond Archer will consider his utterances on Radio Gold, he will realize his argument is the hollowest in a long time. What a shame! Raymond Archer can make all the noise in the world on radio, but Mr. Rawlings has no right to express himself. What a senseless take from noisemakers who claim they know. Men like Raymond Archer whose infantile thinking irritates should give us a break. We are tired of this senseless bashing of his Excellency Flt. Lt Rawlings. We are tired of men like Raymond Archer who want to tell the world that they are saints while Rawlings is the worst sinner. Why will men like Archer make so much noise on his Excellency when they themselves have horrible skeletons in their wardrobes? Enough Is Enough, Raymond Archer.