Christians Asked To Celebrate Christmas With Love

Mrs Matilda Amissah-Arthur, the Second Lady, has encouraged all Christians to celebrate the Yulitide with love because that is the essence of Christmas.

"If you want to give a gift at Christmas, think about it carefully and don't let it be just a show because its Christmas, let it come from the heart, let it be genuine and that is when the blessing will come," she added.

Mrs Amissah-Arthur said this in a Christmas message at the Chorale Night of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in Accra to commemorate the birth of Christ.

She urged all Christians to pray to the Lord for grace to love those they even find difficult to love.

As part of the ceremony, there were carols performances from Winneba Youth Choir, Bountiful Collegiate Chorale and LDS, Mutli Stake Choir.

Elder Daniel Yirenya-Tawiah, Member of the Quorum of the Seventy of the Church, encouraged all Christians to have trust in the Lord in all their doings and not to believe in man, adding that Christians must have the gospel of Christ in their heart in order to be able to follow the teachings of Christ which comes along with peace, joy and blessings that Christ has promised.

The nine scripture verses focusing on the birth of Jesus Christ were taken from the books of Luke and Matthew.