Blast Kills Top Afghan Official

Afghanistan's deputy chief of intelligence has been killed in a suicide attack on a mosque in Laghman province, the provincial governor says. Abdullah Laghmani and at least 21 other people were killed in the attack in the town of Mehtar Lam. A Taliban spokesman, Zabiullah Mujahid, told AP news agency a suicide bomber had targeted Mr Laghmani. The attack came after the UN released a report saying opium cultivation had dropped significantly in Afghanistan. The UN Office on Drugs and Crime said poppy cultivation had dropped by 22% in a year and opium production by 10%. Reports say a suicide bomber detonated his explosives in a crowd of officials - including Mr Laghmani - who had gathered outside the mosque in Mehtar Lam for a ceremony. The provincial governor, Lutfullah Mashal, said in a news conference that at least 22 people had been killed, and another 35 hurt. He said three senior officials in the local government had been killed, as well as Mr Laghmani - whose car was completely destroyed in the attack. A Taliban spokesman told the BBC it claimed responsibility for the attack. Reuters news agency quoted an eyewitness who saw a pick-up truck carrying wounded people covered in blood. Eight ambulances left the scene, headed toward Jalalabad, the nearest big city, the witness said. This successful strike against a senior figure in the state apparatus is a serious blow against the government in its fight against the insurgency, says the BBC's Damian Grammaticas in Kabul. The attack underlines the Taliban's ability to carry out complex and targeted attacks. It is the latest in a string of deadly attacks mainly in the south and east of Afghanistan, occurring in the weeks before and since the country's 20 August presidential and provincial elections.