Traditional Leaders Must Ensure Peace - Minister

Dr. Seidu Daanaa, Minister of Chieftaincy and Traditional Affairs, has charged traditional leaders to create the congenial atmosphere for peace and unity in their communities to help improve the living standards of the people.

              Dr. Daanaa made the appeal in Tamale during the Second  National and Regional House of Chiefs Conference for Registrars,  to review their work and to enhance their knowledge.

               He said  government would continue to support traditional leaders to maintain peace in the regions, and urged the Media to support the Ministry to educate the public on the day to day affairs in the chieftaincy institution.

                 Mr Alimu Ismail Ahmed, Registrar of the Northern Regional House of Chiefs, assured the participants that his outfit would help bring an end to the Bunkprugu and the Dagbon conflicts to ensure lasting peace in the Northern Region.

                   He said the Northern Regional House of Chiefs had been able to dispense 70 per cent of  chieftaincy cases pending before the Judicial Committee, and that only eight chieftaincy cases were now pending before the Committee.