SWEB & Enablement Assist Parent Caring For Disabled Children

The director for SWEB Foundation, Mr. David Botwe, has revealed that they are embarking on an extensive research to fish out solutions to ease the pain of parents taking care of children with disabilities. For this reason, they have selected few parents in Accra and given them cameras which would be used to monitor the daily activities of children living with disabilities. In an interview with Mr. David Botwe, he noted that in several instances, pictures explain a point better than words; and this makes their move plausible. Parents given the gadget were advised to take photos of their ward playing at home, preparing for school, eating and summarize their daily lives with pictures. He revealed that the method has been tried and tested in Nepal and it has worked perfectly for parents taking care of disabled children. He continued that if parents used the cameras as directed, it would get policy makers and other NGOs feel their pain and come to their aid.