Drivers To Be Forced To Reduce Fares?

Minister for Transport, Dzifa Ativor has assured commuters that her ministry will ensure that drivers comply with reduced transport fares announced after the 10 per cent fuel reduction. The Minister warned that drivers who refused to reduce prices of transport fares as directed by the Ghana Private Road Transport Union (GPRTU) and other unions would be prevented from loading their vehicles at the various bus terminals. That, according to Mrs Attivor formed part of many sanctions being considered to make sure the drivers comply with the new fares, Roads and Highways Minister has indicated. Last week, the GPRTU grudgingly announced a five per cent reduction in transport fares following a ten percent reduction in the prices of petroleum products. Even though the new transport fares were to have taken effect last Friday, January 9, 2015, a number of the drivers have refused to comply. One of the recalcitrant drivers told Accra based Joy FM that they will only reduce the fares when there are reductions in insurance premiums, engine oil and other related costs in running the transport business. He said the passengers would have to bear with them. Another driver also said when prices of crude oil were reduced on the international market, Government chose at its own time when to reduce the prices of petroleum products in Ghana. He added they will also at their own time reduce the prices of the transport fares. But sector minister Dzifa Ativor said she is in touch with the Secretary of GPRTU Stephen Okudzeto to ensure the necessary monitoring and sanctions are applied. She said those who failed to comply will be dealt with. "Some of the sanctions include not loading your vehicles. Can you drive out of the station without loading. What are you going to tell your master? How do you get your daily bread? They will comply," she assured.