Metro Mass Transit Commends Staff

The Metro Mass Transit Limited has commended its staff for their diligence, commitment, encouragement and support for the company in 2014. Mr Noble J. Appiah, the Managing Director of company, said in a New Year message issued and copied to the GNA on Monday said, �As all of us may be aware, 2014 has been very challenging, exciting and interesting year four company. By the grace of God, however, we have surmounted the challenges.� �I believe, and indeed, I am confident that the year 2015 will bring a lot of hope and good tidings to us. We have a moral and civic responsibility to our shareholders and stakeholders to grow the fortunes of the Company, and we cannot afford to fail the good people of Ghana,� he said. The statement assured that the lessons learnt in 2014 would provide some guidance for them in 2015 as they reflect on the future of the Company. �Let us all bury the hatchet, make peace with each other and embrace the spirit of togetherness and collective sense of purposefulness for our mutual benefit,� the statement said.