Gov�t Will Not Discriminate In Development - Mahama

President John Dramani Mahama on Sunday said his administration would not discriminate against any community or region in the provision of development projects. In providing such development projects however, President Mahama said it could not be done simultaneously and urged those that have not received their share to exercise patience until it gets to them. President Mahama said this when he marked his 56th birthday at Assin Juaben in the Central Region amidst drumming and dancing by the chiefs and people of the area. This is the third time President Mahama is celebrating his birthday in the farming community in the Central Region, having previously marked it in 2012 and 2013 in the town. Although his birthday falls on November 29, President Mahama celebrates with the community as at when it is convenient for him and the opinion leaders of the community. During the 2012 electioneering campaign, President Mahama marked his birthday there and promised to subsequently celebrate it there should he win the elections and in fulfillment of his promise, he has celebrated it with the community within the last two years. Apart from that he has also provided a small town water project and public toilets to the community and promised to provide other amenities that would make them comfortable. This year's programme was also attended by Mr Prosper Douglas Bani, Chief of Staff, Mr Aquinas Tawiah Quansah, Central Regional Minister, Central Regional and Assin North party executives. President Mahama promised to provide a health facility to the people of Assin Juaben to cater for the growing population of the area and urged them to play their roles responsibly by contributing their quota towards the achievement of the project. He said he was also working with the GETFund to provide a classroom block for the community to accommodate the growing school children in Assin Juaben and neighboring communities. President Mahama said it was not out of place for the community to request for health and educational facilities, as they were the bedrock of strength and knowledge and promised to do everything under his jurisdiction to provide the facilities. Nana Asiedu Nyama II, Juabenhene repeated his appeal to President Mahama to establish a health centre and school blocks from kindergarten level to Junior High School levels.