Mortuary Posting Angers NSS Personnel

Some recent university graduates have expressed disappointment at their postings by the National Service Secretariat (NSS). One of them, a graduate of the University of Ghana who has been posted to a mortuary said he was unhappy with the choice of posting because it has nothing to do with his area of study. The NDD released the 2014/2015 postings on Tuesday. Some graduates have been posted to banks, telecommunication companies, hospitals and to government agencies, while others were posted to mortuaries and farms. Speaking to Citi News, the students who spoke on condition of anonymity stated that �I am a little bit disappointed because as a Business Student I don�t see why I have been given a mortuary to go and do my Service. It doesn�t make sense.� �It is not just National Service, it is my life and going to do my service at the mortuary, I can�t get a job,� he added. Another student, Japheth Benefu said �I was posted to Sekondi Takoradi and I am not happy with my posting at all.� �I didn�t choose that region and I don�t know anybody there and even what I am going to do is no specific. Its non-formal education and I have not heard any institution called non-formal education� He stated that he will either �fight for a re-posting or just stop and retry another time.�