Ghanaians Need The Presence Of God- Rev. Samuel Berko

The Darkuman District Pastor of The Church of Pentecost, Rev. Samuel Berko, has called on Ghanaians to be guided by God�s word in all their undertakings in order to enhance the development of the country. Speaking at the just-ended August Convention organized by The Church of Pentecost in Accra, Rev. Berko said with God in the driving seat of affairs, the nation would overcome all challenges. �The country will meet the targets of our developmental efforts and enjoy all we are looking for as a nation if we place God first in our national affairs. The Lord should, therefore, be at the centre of all national plans, and we need to invite him not only at the individual level but also at the national level,� Rev. Samuel Berko noted, saying �With God�s presence, all things are possible.� Preaching on the theme: �Walking Under the supernatural presence of God,� the Darkuman District Pastor asked Ghanaians to desire to walk under the presence of God in order to attract His blessings. He underscored the need for Ghanaians to seek God�s intervention in all their endeavours, stressing that, it was incumbent on Christians to propagate the word of God instead of pursuing their selfish interests. Pastor Berko said Ghana is destined to be on top of Africa and must be recognized as such by the leaders of the country. He called on the leaders of Ghana, whom God has entrusted and committed the country�s destiny into their hands to handle the resources of the country with concern to reduce the economic challenges the citizenry was going through. He prayed for the progress, prosperity, peace and unity of Ghana and asked for God�s wisdom and blessings to flourish on the land and on citizens of Ghana in order to reduce the hardship in the country. Rev. Berko, further prayed for the government, the Public and Private Institutions, Political Parties, Civil Society and Social groups in the country against evil and divine protection, and asked citizens not to relent on their efforts in prayers.