GMO Maize Will Make Nonsense Of Homowo - Ga Priests

Priests of the Ga Traditional Area, have rejected the introduction of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) corn into the country, saying it will make nonsense of the essence of the Homowo festival. The priests are of the view that their gods are not familiar with GMO corn, and are therefore likely to reject Kpokpoi that will be offered them as sacrifice. The Homowo Festival is characterized by the preparation of Kpokpoi, a special dish made from corn that is served to the gods in gratitude for bumper harvest. The priests have, therefore, called for the indefinite suspension of all GMO cultivation in Ghana. A statement signed by Duke Tagoe, General Secretary of Food Sovereignty Ghana, and copied to Ghana News Agency on Friday, said "the priests found it appropriate to lend their voices to the threats GMO will pose to the nation�s organic source of food." Numo Ogbarmey the third, Sakumo Wulomo of Ga Adangbe, said the introduction of GMO corn meant the people and farmers of Ga Adangbe would have to buy patent seeds from Monsanto every year to plant before they could celebrate Homowo. �How can we hoot at hunger when we have to beg for a foreigner for seeds in order to feed our people,� the statement quoted him as saying. The priests urged government to stick to the production of natural and organic varieties of food crops. It said they were apprehensive about the contamination of their organic maize by GMO varieties.