Celebrate P.V's Well-Lived Life- Speaker Urges Ghanaians

Mr Edward Doe Adjaho, Speaker of Parliament, has called on Ghanaians not to despair at the demise of fallen statesman, Paul Victor Obeng, but to celebrate his well-lived life and his immeasurable contributions to the development of the country. �Indeed P.V. was a blessing to the nation, and his work will never be forgotten�On behalf of the entire Parliament, I would like to encourage Ghanaians, during these sad and trying times, not to despair, but rather celebrate a life well-lived�, said a statement issued by Parliament on Tuesday. The statement said although Mr Obeng was not a member of the Fourth Republican Parliament, his contributions to the overall democratic development of Ghana �cannot be glossed over, � as he had paid his dues to the management of the country. �P.V will be remembered as a unifier, a team player, an affable and hardworking gentleman par excellence, who worked tirelessly towards the political and economic development of our dear nation Ghana. His death is a loss to the country,� the statement said. The statement said Mr Obeng was very instrumental in the establishment of the Fourth Republic as Presidential Advisor on Government Affairs, and did not only give sound advice, continued to contribute to Ghana�s democracy, acting as mediator between Members of Parliament and Government. �� He was the voice of reason that most people would listen to, and P.V did not hesitate to use his excellent communication and negotiation skills to the benefit of the entire country than one specific group. �It is therefore not surprising that although he belonged to one political party, members of other parties and indeed Ghanaians of all political persuasions, found it easy to discus pertinent issues without any inhibitions,� the statement said. Mr Obeng served in the Public Sector from May 1982 to January 1992, acting in different roles, including, Head of National Government Administration, a member , executive council of Republic of Ghana (P.N.D.C) Chairman of the committee of P.N.D.C secretaries. He was the Presidential Advisor on Governmental Affairs under the National Democratic Congress (NDC) from 1992-1997 and was also Chairman of the Ghana Investment Promotion Council (G.I.P.C) from 1992- 1997.