2 Killed, 11 Injured �In Kwahu Easter Car Accidents

At least two (2) people perished whiles eleven (11) others sustained severe injuries in seven different lorry accidents during the Kwahu Easter festival celebration. Deputy Eastern regional Police Commander, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCOP) Abas Abaa, revealed this to the press yesterday in Koforidua. He indicated that the accidents were due to reckless driving and over speeding on the part of the drivers. He also revealed that the police impounded 60 unregistered vehicles with DV number plates from drivers but were given back to the owners after the festival. Eastern regional Police Commander, DCOP Akuriba Yaagy, earlier in a press conference cautioned car owners with unregistered license plates not to bring those cars to the place but some of them disobeyed the directives. Meanwhile, he advised car owners with DV plates to register their cars to avoid any inconvenience with the police. DCOP Abas also advised the general public to be extra-vigilant when walking by the roadside to avoid being knocked by any vehicle. In all, he revealed that Eastern region has recorded about eleven accidents within the Easter festivity period.