Vickyleaks Takes Spiritual Turn...Hare Krishna Movement Pop Up

The Vickyleaks saga appears to be taking various dimensions each passing day, with the Hare Krishna Movement in Ghana jumping into the matter to offer what appears to be a spiritual explanation of what might have accounted for the predicament of Victoria Lakshmi Hammah, the dismissed Deputy Communication Minister at the centre of the whole saga. Ms Hammah was sacked last Friday following the publication of aspects of a leaked tape on which she had claimed, among other things, that Minister for Gender, Children and Social Protection, Nana Oye Lithur, influenced the outcome of the 2012 presidential election petition trial by meeting the justices ahead of the day the judgment was delivered. More explosive recordings of Ms Hammah, whose private conversations were recorded continuously for a period of three months, are yet to be released. She has made extremely damning claims about some people in the Mahama government, including allegations of gargantuan sums of money a minister of state has amassed since coming into government. The Communications Director of the Hare Krishna Movement in Ghana, Jnana Chaksus Das, was yesterday reported by to have said Ms Hammah�s woes could be attributed to the fact that she had previously threatened to kill a journalist and his family with Yoga. Yoga refers to a Hindu spiritual and ascetic discipline, a part of which, including breath control, simple meditation, and the adoption of specific bodily postures, is widely practiced for health and relaxation. According to Jnana Chaksus Das, if the dismissed minister was a true practitioner of Yoga, she should have known that the privileged knowledge and power given to a Yogi is not meant to threaten or to destroy people, adding that the rules regarding those privileges is that �once you use it for evil you should be ready for the consequences.� He explained it was possible that Ms Hammah�s dismissal from government could have resulted from the fact that she had applied her privileges as Yogi wrongly. �It is strange how when people are expected to become even more humble as they advance in life, they rather become pompous and think they can use their privileged position to cause harm to others,� he lamented, adding: �A true Yogi knows better than to use their power to do evil because once you do that, all the forces of the universe will work against you,� he added. Chaksus Das was speaking on Adom FM about the meaning of the Hindu name �Lakshmi� which forms part of name of the former deputy communications minister. He explained to his audience that in Hindu religion, Lakshmi is the name of the female deity in charge of money, adding that anyone who is given the name Lakshmi stands the chance to become wealthy, provided the person lives according to the likes and dislikes of the goddess. According to Wikipedia, Lakshmi �is the Hindu Goddess of wealth, prosperity (both material and spiritual), fortune, and the embodiment of beauty�Also known as Mahalakshmi, she is said to bring good luck and is believed to protect her devotees from all kinds of misery and money-related sorrows.� Lakshmi �is depicted as a beautiful woman of golden complexion, with four hands, sitting or standing on a full-bloomed lotus and holding a lotus bud, which stands for beauty, purity and fertility. Her four hands represent the four ends of human life: �dharma� or righteousness, "kama" or desires, "artha" or wealth, and "moksha" or liberation from the cycle of birth and death.� The Communications Director of the Hare Krishna Movement added: �Lakshmi does not like intoxication (drinking and smoking) and an atmosphere of strife and quarrel. Lakshmi likes that you take your bath early in the morning before sunrise and say special prayers and a few other requirements that can make you benefit from the name.� According to, following the infamous �edited speech� incident where Ms Hammah blamed her protocol team for giving her an unedited speech to read in public, the dismissed minister picked a fight with Adom FM�s News Editor, Samuel Nii Narku Dowuona, after he had given her a piece of advice through the private inbox on her Facebook. quoted the following as the exact words of the editor to Ms Hammah: �I look at this issue in two ways. 1. I suspect someone MIGHT BE trying to sabotage you at the Ministry of Communication. 2. I do not think you are the only Minister who finds mistakes in their written speech even after editing. If all your colleague Ministers would have to react the way you do, then I wonder what kind of image they would be putting out there. I disagree with you that your behaviour on that occasion was unusual. You did a similar thing at the launch of the Expresso ACE Fibre Optic cable. It was very embarrassing, but we the media guys agreed to spare you. This time [round], it was over the top, and we needed to talk about it so that you would check it. You were right when you said people are prejudiced about you. Personally I am not. But that prejudice should rather make you perform above board, or even when you are under pressure, you should shoulder the responsibility rather than always trying to shift blame for the whole world to think you have such a bad team. And your bizarre expose on how people are putting pressure on you to "steal state funds for them" or use your office to give them opportunities. That was unusual and can land you where no journalist can [ever] land you. Following this advice, Ms Hammah reportedly threatened to kill a son of the editor to teach his �stupid journalist friends a lesson.� She was also reported to have said: �you fool - don�t f**k with me - I will cause mourning in your family soon - this is not a threat it is a promise.� When that incident occurred, the editor reportedly said on radio and on social media that he would rather let God fight his battles than to take on Ms Hammah in the media or initiate legal action against her. According to Communications Director of the Hare Krishna Movement, the Adom News Editor did the right thing by not fighting back, adding that those threats from Ms Hammah were unbecoming of a true Yogi, particularly when the one being threatened only gave an advice rather than did anything to offend the Yogi.