Subin MP helps police with water

Mr Isaac Osei, Member of Parliament (MP) for Subin, on Monday handed a GH�25,000 mechanised borehole fitted with overhead tank to the Ashanti Regional Police Command. The project was under the MPs Social Improvement Support project and aims at helping to ameliorate the acute water problem facing police officers and their families at the central police barracks in Kumasi. Speaking at a brief ceremony, Mr Osei lauded the role of police personnel in ensuring law and order while maintaining peace in society. He praised the Kumasi police for ensuring peace in the past elections saying the gesture was also to promote good working relationship between his office and the police in the region. Mr Osei urged the police leadership to ensure good environmental hygiene and maintain the facility to increase its lifespan. Deputy Commissioner of Police Augustine Gyening, Ashanti Regional Commander, thanked the MP for the gesture and said it had come as a big relief to the officers. He said the regional police barracks as a community, lacked many social amenities and appealed to the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) and other organizations to come to their aid.