ICGC, X'tian Council Bare Teeth At NDC...Demand IMMEDIATE Withdrawal Of �Otabil�s Political ads'

It appears the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC) together with the Christian Council are still unenthused with the use of portions of Pastor Mensa Otabil's sermons in political adverts by persons affiliated to the ruling National Democratic Party (NDC). The two religious bodies are therefore demanding the immediate withdrawal of all political commercials running on radio and television with the voice of Pastor Otabil in the background 'denouncing' free education. The renowned man of God, last Monday, November 12th, at a press conference, described as mischievous, immoral, Machiavellian, and evil the use of his preachings which he claimed had been doctored and manipulated for political gain by some NDC members and urged President John Mahama to act on the matter because �the perpetrators of these blatant acts of impunity are largely affiliates and surrogates of your party.� The press conference was in the wake of a number of audio tapes in which he was heard ridiculing and criticizing the much espoused free SHS policy of the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP). But the NDC rather slammed him for not being bold enough to stand by "his living word�. Whiles some leading members of the ruling party labelled him a 'coward', others accused him of exhibiting 'double standards' and lacking 'integrity'. But on Sunday, November 18th, whiles addressing the congregation during a church service, an Associate Pastor of ICGC, Rev Kofi Okyere, speaking on behalf of pastors in the Church and the Christian Council, described as unacceptable what they consider to be attempts to force their pastor and the church into partisan politics. He also demanded an immediate end to insults hurled at their General Overseer for his response to the controversial tape-saga and an apology from the perpetrators. �As ICGC, we also demand the retraction and apology from all those who have incessantly insulted our pastor�,� Rev Kofi Okyere said.