Hohoe: Regalia Reward Shoots Up To GH� 4,000

Leaders of the Zongo community in Hohoe of the Volta region of Ghana have promised to give an amount of GH� 4,000 for the return of the stolen regalia. The spokesperson of the Zongo Community, Alhaji Ridwan Meriga, said the move is to complete the reconciliation process. The Zongo leaders over the weekend rendered an apology to the Gbi Traditional Council for the clashes and placed a GhC 1000 reward to aid the quick return of the stolen regalia. Alhaji Meriga in an interview with Citi News stated that �we reviewed the amount because it looks as if it is getting difficult getting back the regalia which I think may not be in the community but this ransom will make the people who know or have heard about it will lead us to the discovery.� Asked why the amount has been increased to GH� 4,000, Alhaji Meriga added that �we had certain personalities who were willing to add an extra GH� 3000 to increase the amount to GH� 4000.� He stated that the Zongo leaders were hopeful that the huge amount will give people the courage to dish out information on the whereabouts of the missing regalia for a possible retrieval. Meanwhilem the Gbi Traditional council said it welcomes the move by the Zongo community to retrieve the missing regalia.