�Let�s Fight Political Violence�

A social engineer and mobilizer, Nathaniel Ebo Nsarko has advised Ghanaians to ensure peace before, during and after the general elections. He maintained that peace is the most import ingredient needed to facilitate the development of the nation. Mr. Ebo Nsarko said this when he met some past footballers and coaches at a media section at the Accra Sports Stadium to brief them about the impending soccer gala between political parties and some amalgamated groups to douse the rising tension that has characterized the national biometric registration exercise. He said individuals must not allow themselves to be used by politicians to satisfy their personal aggrandizement, stating that presently hate speeches have become the order of the day in both print and the electronic media with politicians escalating violence in the country. �It is important that we allow the state institutions to work without creating any form of inhibition. Ghana must learn from neighboring countries and how political unrest has thwarted development agenda and strive. Mr. Nsarko cautioned the government not to interfere with the work of state security agencies but rather equip them to execute their duties. He also asked the members of the opposition parties to be circumspect in their utterances to avert tribal conflicts which could plunge the nation into chaos. Mr. Nsarko is presently championing an advocacy crusade against acts that could plunge the nation into chaos. As part of his agenda, he is bringing various political groupings including the two political parties, New Patriotic Party (NPP) and the National Democratic Congress (NDC), together to play a commemorative football match. The political tolerance Soccer Gala is slated for the Accra Sports Stadium on 13th May. A select side encompassing players from all he political parties named POLITICAL STARS UNITED will form one team to play against some amalgamated groupings such as MUSIGA XI, Media XI, NASFAAG XI, OLD Black Stars and the Religious XI. Mr. Nsarko intimated that all political parties had agreed to participate in the upcoming gala to send a message to their supporters that Ghana needs peace to develop. He urged all well-meaning Ghanaians, who believe in peace and unity, to partake in the historic event at the stadium.