Nabina Radio Burnt In Navrongo

Fire over the weekend destroyed the building and broadcasting equipment of Nabina Radio in Navrongo in the Kassena-Nankana East District of the Upper East region. The disaster follows an earlier unfortunate fire incident that hit A1 Radio in Bolgatanga on 14th February, 2012. The Head of Programme for Nabina Radio, Alfred Kucajera, who was on air at the time of the fire, said the incident happened about 9:45am after a series of power fluctuation. Fire also gutted A1 Radio after a several rounds of power fluctuation, according staff. The Head of Programme said nothing was saved since by the time personnel from the Ghana National Fire Service got to the radio station, every thing in the building had been burnt. Nabina Radio is a Community Radio Station established in 2005 with massive resources from the Catholic Church in Navrongo to inform, educate and entertain communities in and around the Kassena-Nankane area mainly through English and Kassem languages. The Member of Parliament (MP) for the Navrongo Central, Joseph Kofi Adda, who travelled to the scene, pledged to support the revival of the station after the station management comes out with proposals. According to the MP, the radio station had helped to spread developmental information across the constituency, as well as happenings on the floor of Parliament. The District Chief Executive (DCE) for Kassena-Nankana East, Emmanuel Andema and the Upper East Regional Minister, Mark Owen Woyongo also visited the scene and assured the management of their support. As at the time of filing this report, the exact cause of the fire was not known because personnel of the Ghana National Fire Service that went to the quench the fire had not given the official cause.