I recorded it because Nigeria's match was more important to me than what Bawumia had to say... The match was more entertaining than what Bawumia had to say, you know it is hard listen to lies. You get infuriated listening to lies so I recorded it and I've listened to some portions,” National Chairman of the NDC, Johnson Asiedu Nketia on Okay FM.">
Nigeria's AFCON Match Was More Important To Me Than Bawumia's "Lies" . . . . - Asiedu Nketia

"I recorded it because Nigeria's match was more important to me than what Bawumia had to say... The match was more entertaining than what Bawumia had to say, you know it is hard listen to lies. You get infuriated listening to lies so I recorded it and I've listened to some portions,” National Chairman of the NDC, Johnson Asiedu Nketia on Okay FM.

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